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Click HERE to see the staff photos

Dear neighbors, 


Here are some things to know at London Terrace. 


Staff photos on lobby poster and LTTA web site

Every year, in gratitude for the dedicated service of our building staff, your Tenants

Association posts staff photos to help you recognize and thank the people who work
to make our lives better all year long.  Please remember the staff in your giving.


Street fair success

Our 25th annual street fair – one of the last true neighborhood street fairs – was visited and enjoyed by thousands . Our non-profit sponsor, Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen, received funds from us to continue to help those less fortunate. We believe in neighbors helping neighbors. Come join your neighbors next September! Email


Legal update

We are working with our attorneys on a number of fronts and are pursuing the appeal in the big MCI case so we can further reduce that rent increase here at London Terrace.


LTTA Elections

We are having elections for new tenants association board members

and we welcome new members!  Please reach out to us if you are interested.

Email Now more than ever, it’s extremely important to have a

strong tenants association advocating on behalf of every tenant in London Terrace.


LTTA Membership

Are you a 2017 member? Dues are just $35/year & support all of our efforts on your behalf.  Email




Board Members: 415 9C: Inge Ivchenko (President) 420 10E: Mark Shulman  425 6A: Mark McManus  430 17E: Jillian Lieder   440 9B: Eileen Moss 4B: George Boras  445 4F: Andy Humm  (Treasurer) 450 12A: Margaret Becker   460 8A: Liza Whiting (Secretary),  Michelle Spinner (Vice President), Alan Cohen 435 OPEN: JOIN US! 455 OPEN: JOIN US  Email:  Phone: 212.633.0385

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