Tenants Association
works for
ALL tenants
We work to protect of the rights of all tenants and the strengthen the rent laws in Albany.
We are working to bring more tenants under the Rent Stabilization System so that you will have the right to renew your lease at a reasonable rate.
In times of crisis, such as hurricanes and blackouts, we bring residents together to plan how neighbors can help neighbors get through them better.
We take an active role at our local Community Board 4 and the City Council to advocate for quality-of-life issues in our Chelsea neighborhood, especially the preservation of public space
It doesn't matter how long
you've lived in London Terrace.
Here are just a FEW things :
We have helped lower rents by hiring lawyers on your behalf.
We have helped keep costly MCIs (additions to your rent)
off your rent bill.
We help advocate with the city for a more liveable Chelsea.
We respect and care for the buildilng staff by taking the Holiday photos, making the staff poster, organizing and making this community web site -- all to help you know your staff and remember them at holiday times
And MUCH more. Are you a member?
What has LTTA done for you lately?

Only $35.
to join with CC or Paypal.
Only $35 per year to do your part. Click to
pay with CC
or Paypal.

Here's what your tenants association does: